
5 Biofeedback Signs CBD Can Help With

February 01, 2023

What is biofeedback?

If you’ve never heard the term before, you’re not alone. Biofeedback is a type of therapy that’s been gaining more and more attention in mainstream media as of late, and we’re here to share what it is and how CBD contributes to the topic.

According to Mayo Clinic, biofeedback is a technique that can help you learn to control some of your body’s natural functions. When stress is induced, the body reacts, seemingly involuntarily, in various ways that trigger pain or discomfort. Understanding your body’s signals and regulating its responses can help manage a myriad of mental and physical health issues like stress, anxiety, chronic pain, headaches, high blood pressure, and many more.

Biofeedback signs CBD can help with

Once ingested, CBD connects with your body’s endocannabinoid receptors to deliver relief to overstimulated or imbalanced hormones during times of major fluctuation, such as menstruation and menopause. So naturally, you can imagine how it might be able to aid in the following common biofeedback signs:

  1. Muscle tension: CBD helps reduce muscle tension and stiffness, two common symptoms women experience during that time of the month.
  2. Heart rate: CBD has been proven to improve heart rate variability, which is a measure of the body’s ability to respond to stress.
  3. Temperature: have you ever seen someone who was really angry or upset turn red in the face? This is another stress response CBD can help regulate when the nervous system is activated.
  4. Breath rate: CBD also helps regulate breathing patterns- a key indicator of rising stress levels.
  5. Sweat gland activity: CBD can even help reduce activity happening in the sweat glands, so you can kiss those clammy hands and perspiring upper lip goodbye!

Try it for yourself

All in all, CBD is a promising option if you’re looking for safe yet effective alternatives to manage physical, mental, or emotional distress. Especially when you’re on your period.

Ladykind offers a few different types of CBD products to ensure you find the best fit for you. Try one of our sublingual tinctures or luxurious topical creams to start learning about your body’s biofeedback signs and how you can use them to your advantage.